Have you made your New Year’s resolution and wonder where your enthusiasm about it went? You are not alone. Many resolutions begin to dissolve away after the first few weeks in January. I would like to encourage you to revisit your resolution in a new way.
Take your resolution and see it from a couple of angles; this will increase your chances of success.
First, create a specific and reachable goal. If it’s too broad or unrealistic, it won’t work. It’s best to start small and build from there. If you scale down your expectations and you still aren’t taking action, your goal needs to be readjusted. Think of reworking your goal instead of thinking that you’ve failed.
Second, choose a quality that your goal represents. Does your goal require discipline, perseverance, enthusiasm, support, respect, kindness? If you don’t always follow through on the specifics of your resolution, can you embrace it’s quality? Can you take the quality your goal represents and manifest it in a different way?
For instance, say your goal was to go to the gym three times a week, and one week you aren’t getting there . Can you take the quality of discipline that it takes to do your workout, and apply it to something else in your life? Then you would be exercising the quality of discipline, which manifests an important part of your resolution. Without it, you’ll never get to the gym!
Approaching your resolution this way allows you to be more flexible, creative and spontaneous. I encourage you to give it a try and see if you achieve your goal for this year!
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